Global Initiative for Health and Wellness
Board of Directors
LY2023 Board
President PDG Dr. Jun Valera
1st Vice President PDG James Vargese
2nd Vice President PDG Trudy Nodohara
3rd Vice President PDG Donna Prince
Vice President of Education & Marketing Yolanda Cayabyab
Secretary PDG Bhong Garcia
Sergeant at Arms VDG Cindy Zheng
Chair Dr. Eleanor Britter
Executive Director Dr. Eleanor Britter
Co-Executive Director Margaret Lee
Co-Executive Director May Seto
International Eye Clinics Dr. Corina van de Pol
Coordinator Jude Martin
Coordinator & Technical Director August Valera III
Cardiovascular Disease PDG Dr. Jun Valera
Childhood Cancer PDG Helen Casaclang
Diabetes Liz Yulo
Disaster Relief Dr. Cindy Zheng
Health Missions Yolonda Cayabyab
Hunger Bill Britter
Vision PDG Mel Phillips
Worldwide Vision Coordinator Dr. Corina van de Pol
Youth/Leos Rodger Cayabyab
Governing Documents
April 2022 - The GIHW has now been endorsed by The Multiple 4, California Lions. The Arizonia Multiple 21 who was the first to endorse the GIHW and who brought it forward to Lions Worldwide and who has set up all the governing documents from a pilot program to a fully mature program helping hundreds of thousands of people if not millions. Arizona has now passed on the management of the GIHW to the California and will stay on the advisory board to assist.
As such the governing documents will be revised at the June annual meeting to accommodate this change.
LY2022 Board
President PID Bill Iannaccone
1st Vice President PDG Dr. Jun Valera
2nd Vice President PDG James Vargese
3rd Vice President PDG Trudy Nodohara
Secretary PDG Donna Price
Sergeant at Arms PDG Bhong Garcia
Chair Dr. Eleanor Britter
Executive Director Dr. Eleanor Britter
Co-Executive Director Margaret Lee
Co-Executive Director May Seto
International Eye Clinics Dr. Corina van de Pol
Coordinator Jude Martin
Cardiovascular Disease PDG Dr. Jun Valera
Childhood Cancer PDG Helen Casaclang
Diabetes Liz Yulo
Hunger Bill Britter
Vision PDG Mel Phillips
Disaster Relief Dr. Cindy Zheng
Youth/Leos Rodger Cayabyab
Health Missions Yolonda Cayabyab