COVID-19 Vaccination - San Mateo

Get Vaccinated with the GIHW and Samaritan House!

The GIHW is offering COVID-19 vaccinations at our Global Lions Free Clinic in San Mateo, 19 W 39th Ave Ste #5, San Mateo, CA 94403. This location is adjacent to Samaritan House's Free Clinic, and a few blocks away from the main San Mateo Samaritan House location.


Can't make it to any of these dates?

Sign up for our mailing list and get notifications when we add more vaccination opportunities, as well as other services offered at our Global Lions Free Clinics.

Step 2: Pre-Appointment Tasks (complete before showing up to the clinic)

GIHW Clinic Registration form for All

GIHW clinic registration.pdf

San Mateo County Health form for Janssen only

COVID-19 Vaccination Form Janssen Lions.pdf

San Mateo County Health form for Moderna only

SMC Health COVID‐19 Vaccination Form 2020‐2021 (Moderna).pdf

Please note that we are no longer offering drive thru COVID-19 vaccinations at the main Samaritan House location. If you are making an appointment with us, you are doing so at our Global Lions Free Clinic, which is located less than half a mile away from Samaritan House (a 2 min drive/7 min walk) at 19 W 39th Ave Ste #5, San Mateo, CA 94403

See the linked map for specific directions from Samaritan House to our clinic.

Step 3: Post Vaccination Tasks

Schedule Your Second Shot (Moderna)

If you received the Moderna vaccine, you will need to sign up for your second dose to be administered 4 weeks after your first dose (the same day of the week, 28 days later). See the "Step 4" section below.

If you are not able to make it to our clinic on exactly 4 weeks after, you will need to contact our San Mateo clinic office to schedule an alternative appointment time.

Sign up for CDC V-Safe

Receive text alerts on your smartphone, and report any side effects you may have to the Center for Disease Control.

Step 4: Sign Up For Your Second Dose (Moderna only)

Please note that second dose appointments are only for those who have received their first dose of the Moderna vaccine at our clinic, at least 28 days (4 weeks) prior.

Step 5: Post Second Dose Tasks

Information About the Vaccine

The "Moderna Packet" contains information on CDC V-safe symptom checker, as well as the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) and Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers, which serves as the vaccine information statement for the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.

Samaritan House San Mateo
Lions Clubs International // District 4-C4
San Mateo County Health
Global Initiative for Health and Wellness